Friday, March 8, 2013

First Problem - Family Relationship

Family Conflict

I have a horrible relationship with my step mom...She has issues with me and I have issues with her... I have gotten to a point where a million bucks will still not make me talk to her I just don't need her in my life and obviously she don't need me in hers but I'm really cool with my step siblings but I have no problem with them and they have no problem with me. Is it wrong for me to not be on good terms with their mom?

By: Kay (not his real name)

What do you think Kay should do?

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Welcome to my blog. I thought of starting a relationship blog because I have friends who usually ask my opinion about their love life and how they can deal with certain situations and it would be great to share it with the world. I know a lot of people deal with different types of love and relationships due different cultures and experiences. Some people can't come out and speak about their problems and this doesn't help the relationships, in fact it breaks, tears it apart.
I always give my honest opinion about everything I do and my close friends and loved one know what I am talking about when I say that. My male friends would usually talk to me about their relationship problem and I like giving them my advice from a female point of view and this advises comes from my past relationships and relationships around me. When my female ask about how to solve their relationship problems, I look at the males point of views (act like a lady think like a man) and being friends with males I got to study them a lot, that help me to be able to advice my fellow woman. By the way I haven't studied about relationships in college so I wouldn't say I am a relationship expert, it’s just my opinions from experiences in life.
This blog isn't just based on relationships between a men and women; it’s also about friends and family relationships too. This blog is not only about my advice it’s also about getting other people’s opinions too and it help the people to think about how to solve their problem in a good and healthy manner. So help each other build up a strong, healthy, happy and loving relationships.

This is a public blog so if f you don't want anyone to know you wrote the story, you can privately emails me your story to my Gmail account and I will take write your story to the public anonymously. I would also edit all the names used in story if I have to. This means you can read all the responses and no one would guess who you are. If you want to make your stories publicly you can post it on the blog as normal.

Tell us your love and relationship problems, we can try help you fix it and make it better.